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Archive for the Odoo Integration category

Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP 7 Magento Integration

Magento, Odoo Integration, OpenERP No Comment

Following are the feature of the Magento – OpenERP 7 Integration: 1.  Import and Export of all the categories. 2.  Import and Export all the products. 3. Import all the store customers to openERP. 4.  Import all the sales order to OpenERP. 5. Creation of automatic invoice in OpenERP  for imported sale order. 6. Export […]

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Beyonce Adams

Odoo Open ERP 7 – POS Hardware Integration Barcode Scanner, Printer, Cash Drawer

Odoo Integration No Comment

We have got the OpenERP 7 Point of Sale POS working with following Hardware: 1. Touch Screen: User can use touch screen to create orders.2. bar-code Scanner: Bar-code reader/scanner can use EAN13 code and also supports a custom bar code while scanning. After the scan it brings up the product which can then be added […]

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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP – Paypal Integration

Odoo Integration No Comment

OpenERP Integrated with PayPal which is the most popular online payment service in use today.  The OpenERP integration with Paypal lets you perform real-time authorization and giving you a platform to collect payment against invoices. Customer can redirect to the PayPal account and using OpenERP – integration module customer can make payment for invoices. Features […]

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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP -DVLA Integration

Odoo Integration No Comment

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) functionality Mapped in OPENERP Ø   In OpenERP we have developed a functionality where by just entering registration number you can auto fill rest of the details like Make, Model, engine & fuel information of vehicle  Ø  For this we have used library file of core Python listed below: 1.      […]

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Beyonce Adams

Odoo OpenERP Maventa Integration

Odoo Integration No Comment

We have developed OpenERP Maventa integration module which helps to  provide functionality to sent invoice details in customers email where customer can review and accept or decline invoice.Maventa is an innovative provider of an electronic invoice services. Which helps to integrate your financial packages, integrating reporting tools. OpenERP – Maventa Integration Functionality Features:-  Receive Invoice details […]

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Beyonce Adams

PragmaticCRM – Skype Integration

Odoo Integration No Comment

The PragmaticCRM–Skype solution provides a full integration of the widely popular voice application, Skype with PragamticCRM. It would allow the PragamticCRM Users to manage all communication activities & improve the handling & documentation of call – related activities. This enhancement makes PragamticCRM a complete feature rich application which would not only cater to emerging needs […]

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Beyonce Adams

Integration of Arabic Calender in OpenERP

Odoo Integration No Comment

The Islamic calendar (Hijra calendar) is a purely lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the phases and stages of the moon, and because 12 synodic months is only 12 x 29.53059=354.3671 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter than a tropical year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Christian […]

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Beyonce Adams

Application Integration and Synchronization using Talend Web and Data Integration suite for OpenERP

Odoo Integration No Comment

Application Integration is generally a complex process as it involves connecting two different pieces of software. These software could be written in different programming languages with different databases. Also they may or may not have an API or web services layer using SOAP/REST API’s. Integrating and synchronizing data between the applications is tedious process as […]

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